Monday, December 16, 2013

Final Project

                                                                    Final Project


                       I want people to see the way that technology are seems nowadays, but in an altered way and how its been try it by people, just as  mike Kelley did in his works. He says that in most of his works of art, he uses abused to express them. My work doesn't express want I really want them to see on it. Just imagine to do a work of art of all technology that is thrown and put them all them together, created a abused of many stuffs of technology as Kelley did in his work " More love Hours than can Ever be Repair". In which, he says that time spend in making  all rag dolls, animal and other stuffs, or even if a person do it by love, is not considered by other people. I try to do the same thing in my work. I want them to experience this kind of work, to think a little on how technology is used by people. Technology also took time to create it, but nowadays people just buy a new one, and forget about the old ones. In today world exist a abuse of technology, not in the way that is used, if not in that way that its treated. For example people nowadays they thrown the old things and they just buy a new one.
                    I want people to see that existed a abused of technology in today's society, which I think that people show consider it has important. Technology now its seem everywhere, but it took take too created each one of them and even many years to do more simple as its now. So people should thing on the time spend on it and should realize that it has some kind of value. And not try technology has trash because it had help us a lot. Art may sometimes been exaggerated by some artist as mike Kelley or many others, but they do it because they see it, on real life. I think that art's role in society is to teach people think about our lives or the world around us because art is consider everything that we do in our everyday lives. Another role of art is to entertain us for many years  and art has do its job well, so people can create amazing things.  Art comes in a variety of forms such as draw, music and dancing and many others. Some people don't know that these forms are art, but is there always. Just imagine a life without art. The world will not be the same. Art has a history of the human life that helps a lot to know about us.


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